Wednesday 9 December 2020


The People Of The Wind, I.

Although Ythrians "perch," they sit on benches in a family dining hall. When Eyath goes outside with Arinnian, she spreads her wings and therefore rests on hands and tail. When she flies up to a platform near the top of a copperwood, she rests on feet and alatans. I cannot visualize Ythrians (see Arinnian And Eyath) but can definitely say that I would feel threatened by their physical proximity.

Arinnian willingly spends as much time as possible with Ythrians and Tabitha Falkayn/Hrill was brought up by them so these two human Avalonians are bound to have a different perspective. Avalon competes with Middle Earth as a concretely imagined fictional world.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I wonder how I would do or feel being with or near non-human intelligent beings? I can imagine being alarmed by some, such as draco-centauroid Wodenites! Others, such as the Trillians, should not provoke such feelings (in fact, many humans might underestimate them!).

I am sorry we only see Trillians once, in "A Little Knowledge."

Ad astra! Sean