Sunday, 13 December 2020

Ythrian Cultural Lag

The People Of The Wind, VI.

Quenna, permanently on heat, is a social outcast but can work as a prostitute, stimulating males. Tabitha comments:

"''s a case of Ythrian cultural lag. They've been affected by human ideas to the point where they don't give their abnormals a quick death. But they're not interested in sponsoring rehabilitation or research on cures, or in simple charity. Someday -'" (p. 508)

Inter-species interaction continues. Earlier in the Technic History, Cynthian trade routes that had joined Technic civilization did not help other trade routes that lacked the capital but then David Falkayn, savior of Merseia and discoverer of Mirkheim, founded Supermetals long before he founded Avalon.  (Quite a guy.)

The rest of Chapter VI deals with Arinnian's problem and with receipt of the news that Terra has declared war on Ythri.

Chapter VII begins by introducing the sixteenth character, Admiral Cajal, who until now has remained an off-stage presence.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember poor, pathetic Quenna! Yes, Ythrian treatment of sexual abnormals was lagging behind what humans had managed to achieve.

Ad astra! Sean