Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Memories And Feelings

The Day Of Their Return, 4.

Ivar Frederiksen:

"...threshed about in his sleeping bag, desert-thirsty with memories of Tatiana Thane and - still more, he discovered in shame - certain others." (p. 101)

Zen practice:

remember Tatiana;
notice the memory;
let it pass;
remember others;
notice the memories;
let them pass;
feel shame;
notice the feeling;
let it pass.
Holding onto and reifying transient memories and feelings makes them problems. One of our monks said, "Thoughts don't matter! They're only brain excrescences! It is our attitude to them that counts."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Easy enough to say we should simply remember someone, something, or a feeling, and then to let them pass. I mean, easier said than done!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


Easier said than done but we don't want just to do things that are easy. Regular "just sitting" meditation is patient practice of being aware of and letting go of whatever comes into consciousness.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

EXactly! It would be analogous to those daily exercises or calisthenics that Dominic Flandry so hated doing. If you want the benefits from doing something, you have to DO it persistently.

Ad astra! Sean