Sunday, 6 December 2020

What Has Happened On Avalon?

The Day Of Their Return, 16.

"'Your race doesn't have our idea of government.'
"'It's irrelevant to us. My fellow Avalonians who are of human stock have come to think likewise.'" (p. 196)
Ivar Frederiksen and Erannath are in conversation. Centuries earlier, in The People Of The Wind, Avalon was jointly governed by the Parliament of Man and by the Great Khruath and some Ythrians were becoming Walkers, living like human beings as discrete individuals in a global community, whereas many human beings were joining choths - to live by Ythrian laws and customs.
Are we to understand that, by Erannath's time, the Parliament no longer exists and that all human Avalonians have either joined choths or at least decided to accept decisions made by Khruaths?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, I don't think the Avalonian Parliament of Man had ceased to exist by the time of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN. I have a vague recollection of it still existing, albeit in a yet weaker form than what we see in THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I am not so sure. I am reading through THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN and not finding any reference to the Parliament.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I could have sworn Erannath mentioned something like that, if only briefly and in passing.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Human beings can exist without government -- we did for most of our existence. The problem is that we tend to kill each other an awful lot in those circumstances.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stiling!

That is the problem: the STRONG tendency humans have for fighting and killing each other. And that was a huge reason why states arose, the need to keep some kind of internal peace and order. Points which Anderson made repeatedly plain in his stories.

Ad astra! Sean