Sunday 6 December 2020

The Sky And Earth Books Of Stormgate

Rennhi wrote The Sky Book Of Stormgate which we never see. A comprehensive history of the Stormgate Choth, it covers:

the ancestors on Ythri;
the founders on Avalon;
their descendants until Rennhi's time.
Rennhi's son, Hloch, wrote The Earth Book Of Stormgate which we read as one volume of Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization. It covers:
the Discovery, i.e., first contact with Terrans;
Ythrian-human exploration of Avalon;
other pre-colonization human activities;
the World-Taking, i.e., the two-stage human-Ythrian colonization of Avalon.

Thus, Hloch's volume covers more than the history of a single choth and recounts events on several planets other than Ythri or Avalon. Some time in the past year, I examined Hloch's reasons for including each of the narratives that he chose for the Earth Book and found that they were more relevant than they seemed. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Hloch did not quite write THE EARTH BOOK. Rather, he compiled it from different sources and added some editorial/explanatory comments.

Ad astra! Sean said...


You are right but the word "write" is used in the text so I just went with that.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Aw, I'm being persnickety! I know "write" can be legitimately used in broader senses as well as the more strictly literal definition.

Ad astra! Sean