The Day Of Their Return.
Every tineran wagon carries a caged "luck":
15 centimeters long;
hand-like forepaws;
gray fur;
skin mantle;
wedge-shaped head;
curved, pointed ears;
thin fangs;
three red eyes forming a triangle;
imported to Aeneas;
also found on other planets;
called liayalre, "Slinkers," in Planha.
Fraina carries Tais, the luck of Jubilee, on her shoulder when she goes for an evening walk with Ivar. When the couple retire into a grotto:
"The luck stayed outside, waiting." (9, p. 150)
Clad in its - natural - mantle, it might resemble a small intelligent being. It is indeed waiting. Telepathic and parasitical, the lucks amplify and feed on human emotions, thus explaining the "antic disposition" of the tinerans. They might also have been the cause of the downfall of the Ancients.
Kaor, Paul!
These "lucks" seemed to have affected Ythrians even more strongly than they did humans, which helps to explain why Erannath was so hostile to them.
Ad astra! Sean
Erannath says that human beings are more susceptible on p. 166.
Kaor, Paul!
But, that is only seems to be the tinerans, after centuries of being addicted to those "lucks." Not among the other cultures or peoples of Aeneas.
Ad astra! Sean
The lucks prefer the dry climate where the tinerans spend most of their time.
Kaor, Paul!
That is true. And with tinerans having only limited contact with the more advanced aspects of Technic civilization, there would be little prospect of those "lucks" getting scientifically studied. And corrective measures taken.
Ad astra! Sean
Incidentally, I stole the Tinerans (but not the "lucks") for the Change series... but the Tinerants of the Change deliberately imitate the Romani and their customs.
Wheels within wheels...
Kaor, Mr. Stirling!
Dang! I completely missed that allusion to Anderson, the "Tinerants" in your Change books.
Ad astra! Sean
The similarity between Tinerans and Tinerants is noted somewhere on this blog.
See "Tinerants," Sunday 16 April 2017.
Also "Gyptians And Gotham," Tuesday 19 November 2019.
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