Monday, 7 December 2020

A Longer Technic History?

As Nicholas van Rijn cameos in the first trader team story, Dominic Flandry cameos in what could have been the first in a series of novels about Flandry's daughter, Diana Crowfeather, if Poul Anderson had not instead begun to write a different kind of future history series with opposite presuppositions: AI, STL and no aliens. In the post-Flandry period of the Technic History:

one story about Roan Tom's achievements during the Long Night could have become a series;

two works about the Allied Planets re-civilizing isolated colonies could have become a longer series;

one story about discoveries made by a Ranger of the Commonalty could have become a series.

In fact, that last story represents a new beginning with human civilizations dispersed through several spiral arms of the galaxy and a new source of vast wealth about to be opened up. And there the series had to end. I would have appreciated a longer Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would have also appreciated it if Anderson had written longer versions of A CIRCUS OF HELLS and THE REBEL WORLDS. I suggested ways (in another combox) how those stories might have been legitimately expanded. And it would have been nice if Dominic Flandry had again met Leon Ammon in later years (perhaps at the Coral Palace?).

Ad astra! Sean