Saturday 3 August 2024

United Humanity

Mirkheim, XII

Arrived on Earth, Eric Tamarin receives a package containing a note which reads:

"'To his Excellency Eric Tamarin-Asmundsen, in appreciation of his gallant efforts, from a member of United Humanity.'" (p. 170)

Eric has been informed that United Humanity is:

"A mildly racist association, naturally jingoistic about Babur." (ibid.)

Nothing could be more relevant in Britain right now! - provided that we delete "...mildly..." and "...naturally..." and replace "Babur" with "Islam." A young black man has been arrested for a knife attack involving three murders and several attempted murders. Attacks on mosques and immigrants continue even though it has been disclosed that the suspect is a Christian, born in Wales.

However, a second note in the package reveals that the first note is a cover and that the sender is really Eric's father, Nicholas van Rijn! Van Rijn is canny enough to use United Humanity as a cover but expresses his own views in his sign-off to the second note:

"'Long live freedom and damn the ideologies.'
"'Your father,'
"[seismographic scrawl]
"N. van Rijn"

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

However strongly I dislike Islam I agree it's wrong to oppose or criticize Muslims by violent or criminal means.

But also keep in mind what Stirling said about what happens when foreign "tribes" push their way into the territory of other "tribes." Violence often happens because of that!

And I agree with Old Nick's views!

Ad astra! Sean