Saturday 17 August 2024

Reflection On The Previous Post

I always find it fresh and illuminating to revisit and summarize sections of Poul Anderson's Technic History, emphasizing different aspects and interconnections. Although each individual instalment or period of the History directly follows from that which has gone before, the fictional historical events nevertheless veer unexpectedly and unpredictably. Thus, "Summary" began with van Rijn seeking the source of supermetals and ended with the Kirkasanters re-joining interstellar civilization, the main interconnecting links being Mirkheim, Avalon and Empire.

The concluding, Kirkasanter, story, "Starfog," includes speculation about inter-universal transits. Although multiversal theory turns out to be unnecessary to explain the Kirkasanters' experience, the idea remains a theoretical possibility that could connect the Technic History to other works and series especially since we do know that Nicholas van Rijn has had at least one excursion outside the Technic History timeline although, appropriately, no such excursion is mentioned inside the History itself. Even if our universe is one small part of a vaster multiverse, many lifetimes are spent completely unaware of any other universes.


S.M. Stirling said...

I can see van Rijn dining out on stories about the Tavern -- and laughing along, but laughing because he knows it's -true-.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And I have more than once thought Manuel Argos and Dominic Flandry would be worthy guests at the Old Phoenix Inn.

Ad astra! Sean