Sunday 11 August 2024


We, editorially speaking, are living mentally on Hermes for the time being and physically in Britain on a more permanent basis. We know little of Britain in the Technic History:

in the post-Chaos/pre-Technic period, a Britannic-American consortium launches the Chronos expedition to the Saturnian system;

in the Solar Commonwealth period, the London Times is still published and there is a European Exploratory Foundation although we do not know whether Britain remains constitutionally part of Europe;

in the later Imperial and specifically Flandry periods, Britain has a Mayor Palatine.

That is all. It is not much. A sequel writer would have more or less carte blanche.

In our present divided Kingdom, rival movements were on the streets today but we are now safely back home. We are still living in the Chaos.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I've wondered if that Imperial era Mayor Palatine presided, as part of the Empire, over some kind of cantonal assembly. And was he a descendant of King Charles III?

Ad astra! Sean