Tuesday 27 August 2024

Companion Volume

The TOR Poul Anderson paperback collection inaccurately entitled The Long Night is really a companion volume to the earlier The Earth Book Of Stormgate (1978) in that, like the Earth Book, this 1983 volume collects previously uncollected stories from different periods of the Technic History, not just from any single period:

Periods Covered
The post-League Time of Troubles (1)
The Terran Empire (1)
The post-Empire Long Night (1)
Two post-Long Night civilizations (2)

This list demonstrates the inappropriateness of the title. The Prologue and interstitial passages are written not by any fictional successor of Hloch of Stormgate Choth, like Donvar Ayeghen, President of the Galactic Archaeological Society, who does introduce "The Star Plunderer," the opening story set during the Troubles, but by Poul Anderson expert, Sandra Miesel.

Miesel's Prologue, like Le Matelot's introduction to Trader To The Stars, praises the expansionism of the Polesotechnic League but then proceeds further into the future to:

"...the sack of Earth by the Baldic League..." (p. 10)

- the crux period of the entire Technic History.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And individuals really do matter! What would have happened if Manuel Argos had not lived or failed to found the Terran Empire? Nothing good for Technic civilization!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Ditto for Augustus. Without him, it would probably have been regional Roman warlords starting dynasties all over the Republic's possessions.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, absent Augustus what would most likely happen, as the Roman Republic disintegrated, would be war lords fighting over the spoils of the Empire. And that kind of chaos and disunity would have tempted the barbarians across the Rhine, Alps, and Danube to invade the shattered Roman realm. And the Parthians/Persians to the east would certainly try grabbing some of the loot!

Ad astra! Sean