Saturday 17 August 2024


This is an attempt to summarize not the entire Technic History but a major line of causation within it.

When Nicholas van Rijn investigates the source of the industrially valuable supermetals sold by the mysterious Supermetals Company, an Ythrian spaceship transports him and his granddaughter, Coya Conyon, to the supermetals-coated planet, Mirkheim, which David Falkayn has discovered but has concealed from his employer, van Rijn, instead donating it to the poorer planets like Woden which now run Supermetals.

When a war for the possession of Mirkheim has fatally weakened the Polesotechnic League and discredited the Solar Commonwealth, Falkayn, now raising a family with Coya, says that they will find somewhere else to settle.

When the Falkayns have led the colonisation of the Hesperian Islands on Avalon, human and Ythrian colonists plan the settlement of the Coronan continent. The Falkayns son, Nicholas, is involved as an engineer in discussions with Ythrian leaders. Nicholas' son, Nat, befriends young Ythrians.

"Rescue on Avalon"
Human and Ythrian colonists settle Corona.

"The Star Plunderer"
Barbarian attacks destroy the Commonwealth and Manuel Argos founds the Terran Empire.

"Sargasso of Lost Starships"
The Empire forcibly annexes the human colony planet, Ansa.

The People Of The Wind
The Empire fails to annex Avalon whose inhabitants, including Tabitha Falkayn, fight to remain in the Domain of Ythri.

The Dominic Flandry series
Flandry defends the Empire against the Merseian Roidhunate which ironically owes its existence to David Falkayn.

"A Tragedy of Errors"
The Empire has fallen.

Later instalments
Subsequent human civilizations are built and contact is re-established with descendants of rebels exiled by Flandry.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Some might think this a minor point, but we don't see Manuel Argos founding the Terran Empire in "The Star Plunderer." What we actually see in that story is the beginning of his rise to power. However failed and discredited the Commonwealth was it still must have taken Argos time, even years, before he was able to formally proclaim the Empire.

Ad astra! Sean