Friday 9 August 2024


Mirkheim, XV.

Returned to Hermes, David Falkayn sees:

clouds in a blue sky;
late afternoon light among seasonally leafless stonebark and yellowed rainroof;
flitting ornithoids;
dancing buzzbugs.

He hears fallen leaves scrunching underfoot and smells rich dampness. Hermes is a terrestroid planet. However, Falkayn wonders whether the planet is still his home or whether he has roamed away from it for too long. We learn later in the Technic History that he will not settle back on Hermes but instead will found a new colony on another terrestroid planet, Avalon.

James Blish's Earthman, Come Home ends with former Earthmen making their new home on New Earth in the Greater Magellanic Cloud.

Home is where we live.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Iow, Falkayn eventually decided he had changed too much to settle down for good on either Hermes or Earth.

Ad astra! Sean