Monday 12 August 2024

More Of Van Rijn's Anglic

Mirkheim, XVIII.

In a single conversation with his granddaughter while she nurses her newly born son, Nicholas:

"'I got some consolium...'" (p. 248)

(A bottle of brandy, referred to in a stage whisper.)

"'...he was threatened with bankrupture.'" (ibid.)

(A business contact, not the great-grandson.)

"'Ach, my apologetics...'" (p. 249)

"'We got many paradoxes and no paradoctors.'" (p. 250)

"'But nothingtheless -'" (ibid.)

Poul Anderson must maintain this dialogue non-stop to keep the character consistent.

(Van Rijn's executive secretary contacts him on the phone in Coya's room, not on a mobile carried by van Rijn.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Given Old Nick's tastes, I'll bet that was Napoleon brandy.

The sparse use of mobile phones in the Technic stories is a regrettable but totally understandable bit of "datedness."

Ad astra! Sean