Friday 9 August 2024


Poul Anderson, "Kyrie" IN Anderson, Going For Infinity (New York, 2002), pp. 344-354.

There is a reason why I have returned to this story which will become apparent. 

The author's introduction informs us that the story involves:

the physics of black holes;
FTL by hyperspatial jumps;
an intelligent plasma vortex;
interstellar telepathy.

Anderson adds that the story needed these particular elements. My problem is that hyperspatial jumps and telepathy have become cliches and therefore work against originality in speculative fiction. Hyperspatial jumps are familiar and are different from the genuinely original quantum hyperdrive in Anderson's Technic History.

Anderson borrowed the Order of St. Martha of Bethany from Anthony Boucher. The Galilean Order is another fictional Catholic religious order which, like the quantum hyperdrive, appears in the Technic History.

A Catholic priest said that how many orders of nuns there are is supposed to be one of the things that even God doesn't know. He added that it had been suggested that they be amalgamated, then re-divided into three:

Faith, the ones that pray;
Hope, the ones that teach;
Charity, the ones that do good works.

Googling discloses that there are Anglican orders called:

the Society of the Sisters of Bethany;
the Order of the Companions of Mary and Martha.

And I will have to return to my original point in a subsequent post.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I didn't think "Kyrie" a cliche ridden story. It was so well done that I wished Anderson could have fitted it into his Technic series.

And of course the stories of Martha and Mary became types symbolizing the active and contemplative forms of life taken by many Catholic orders, male or female.

Ad astra! Sean said...


The ways of contemplation and of action are common to Christian and Indian mysticisms. I am rereading Aldous Huxley's THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY and realizing how much I have come to disagree with him theologically.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I got the vague impression Aldous Huxley was an atheist.

Ad astra! Sean said...


THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY puts forward mystical monotheism.
