Tuesday 27 August 2024

Two Companion Volumes

Between them, the Earth Book and The Long Night cover almost all the periods of the Technic History from beginning to end although, of course, they do not collect all of the History. That job is done by The Technic Civilization Saga.

Periods Covered By The Earth Book
The first Grand Survey and some subsequent interstellar exploration (2)
The Polesotechnic League (8)
The two-stage colonization of Avalon (2)

As listed in the previous post, The Long Night then covers Troubles, Empire, Long Night and later civilizations. That leaves only the very earliest period, the recovery from the Chaos, which is outlined in "The Saturn Game," the opening story of the Saga, Volume I.

Maybe Sandra Miesel's contributions to The Long Night should be preserved like for example in an appendix to the Saga? Every commentary on the Technic History deserves preservation.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Miesel did write long commentaries for some of the Technic stories, such as essays prefacing the Gregg Press editions of THE MAN WHO COUNTS and ENSIGN FLANDRY, and a long Afterword to A STONE IN HEAVEN ("The Price of Buying Time"). They should be preserved, with some editorial footnotes correcting several of her points.

Ad astra! Sean