Thursday 15 August 2024

Histories Of Different Species

Grand Surveys
Commonwealth and League
Long Night
Allied Planets

This list summarizes human history before, during and after Technic civilization. There are parallel histories of other starfaring species. Ythri, Avalon and Merseia were discovered during the first Grand Survey. The human Terran Empire coexists with the Domain of Ythri and the Merseian Roidhunate. Avalon, explored and later colonized by Ythrians and human beings, fights the Empire to remain in the Domain but later helps the Empire against the Roidhunate. The Empire declines and falls for reasons analysed by Chunderban Desai. The Roidhunate is demoralised by its frequent defeats at the hands of the Empire. But the Domain and Avalon in particular might survive and thrive through and after the Long Night of Technic civilization. See here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Except we see nothing about the Domain and Avalon in the four post-Imperial stories Anderson wrote. Nor do I think they would remain unaffected or undamaged by the Fall of the Empire and the anarchic chaos of the Long Night.

Ad astra! Sean