Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Trader Team Missions That We Read About

Ikranaka in "Trader Team"
Merseia in "Day of Burning"
Luna, Satan and Dathyna in Satan's World
Tametha (rest stop) and Mirkheim (unauthorized) in "Lodestar"
Babur and Hermes in Mirkheim

Nine missions - more or less - in five instalments and we know that there were many more. 

"At first Hermes was a blue star."
-Mirkheim, XV, p. 205.

Hermes is David Falkayn's home planet - although he is not planning to retire there - thus, the team is not proceeding into the unknown. However, this is definitely their last mission together. We, its readers, should appreciate it as such, especially since its consequences will be momentous.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A pity we never see one of Old Nick's other trader teams! The explorers who first found and named Cain in "The Master Key" might have been another such team.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

"named Cain in "The Master Key" "

Jacques Cartier thought the north shore of the Gulf of St Lawrence might have been 'The land God gave to Cain', though other places he found like what is now known as Prince Edward Island, worth claiming for the King of France.

S.M. Stirling said...

It's a sign of Poul's talent that what happens offstage seems so real.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim and Mr. Stirling!

Jim: Given the frigid winters of New France/Canada, I can see why Cartier thought like that!

Plus, Anderson wanted readers to remember the Biblical associations "Cain" brings up.

Mr. Stirling: A good point, and one I agree with. We get many such realistic echoes in so many of Anderson's stories. And in yours!

Ad astra! Sean