Monday 12 August 2024

Ys And The Technic History

Three major bodies of work by Poul Anderson:

The King Of Ys (with Karen Anderson), historical fiction with a fantasy element, four long novels although I have seen a cover image for an omnibus volume;

the Time Patrol series, historical science fiction, one long omnibus collection and one tripartite novel;

the History of Technic Civilization, science fiction future history, seven omnibus volumes.

Thus, maybe, a total of ten long volumes. History and the Roman Empire are important in all three series.

The Time Patrol and the Technic History are set in distinct timelines that cannot easily be incorporated even into a multi-dimensional framework but might Ys and the Technic History fit into a single timeline? Gods manifest in Ys but the Technic History includes cosmic psychic forces that might manifest as gods on planetary surfaces.

Aldous Huxley suggests in his The Perennial Philosophy that faith and devotion generate in the psychic medium vortices that become active, are objectively experienced as saints, gods, "Virgins" etc and can even grant prayers. He describes the Thomas Becket of Chaucer's time as a deva. I do not believe that there is a psychic medium containing minds distinct from the mass-energy continuum containing psychophysical organisms but Aycharaych, the universal telepath in the Technic History, might disagree.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I also disagree with Aldous Huxley, because he seems to be trying to smuggle in the "effects" of God while still denying Him.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Huxley does not deny God but affirms Him! However, he distinguishes between the real God and projected "gods."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Oops, I sit corrected! I've read so little by Huxley, aside from BRAVE NEW WORLD and one other book that it's too easy to make mistakes about him.

I think BRAVE NEW WORLD might be a more realistic depiction of futuristic tyranny than Orwell's 1984. Such a despotism might feel more secure in power if the masses were stupefied with drugs and sex.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've also been recalling some Catholic works of mysticism: THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING by Pseudo-Dionysius, REVELATIONS OF DIVINE LOVE by Dame Julian of Norwich, THE IMITATION OF CHRIST by Thomas a'Kempis, and too many others to list.

Ad astra! Sean