Saturday 2 December 2023

Moving In Different Directions

As we approach the end of "Starfog," we know that we also approach the end of Poul Anderson's Technic History and therefore will not be able to proceed any further into the future along this particular fictional timeline but we can move in other directions. "Starfog" is set at one edge of this galaxy. We can move out of the galaxy by switching to other fictional futures in Anderson's World Without Stars and Tau Zero or can move right out of this kind of universe by reverting to works of fantasy by Anderson and others. Right now, I am swamped by the works of several other writers and expect more at Christmas and also at birthday in January. We will probably extract a few more posts from the rich text of "Starfog" but right now I am finishing breakfast and preparing to walk into town for what have become some regular weekend activities. Back here later sometime.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would have been very glad if Anderson had written one or two more stories set during and after the chaos of the Long Night after the Empire fell. Heck, another story showing us Dominic Flandry in his old age would have been great!

I finished rereading THE NIGHT FACE almost a week ago, and again I saw nothing in that story saying Gwydion was or should be interdicted by the Allied Planets. I don't understand where or how I got the idea off planet visitors were forbidden to land there. The best I can think of is that I thought the Allied Planets should do that, to minimize harm to the Gwydiona.

I also have in mind the idea of rereading the revised version of "Honorable Enemies," to contrast my impressions of that story with the original text.

In a few weeks I hope to get a copy of Stirling's WARLORD OF THE STEPPES, his fifth BLACK CHAMBER book.

Ad astra! Sean