Tuesday 19 December 2023

Some Mainstream And An Unexpected SF Novel

The results of the recent literary experiment (see Mainstream And SF):

I have read to the end of Flowers In The Attic and have made a library request for its sequel, Petals On The Wind;

googling the author reveals that she also wrote one sf novel, Gods of Green Mountain, about humanoid beings on a planet with two suns where there are gods or at least beings regarded as such. (That sounds like early Poul Anderson.)

The experiment has given me something different and interesting to read that I had not previously known about.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm glad my hasty, off the top of my head suggestion was so unexpectedly successful! V.C. Andrews seems to have made a better impression on you than with me.

Yes, some writers better known for works in other genres tried their hand with writing science fiction. Besides Andrews the example I've thought of was the late Fr. Greeley, who besides mainstream novels and mysteries, wrote science fiction with THE GOD GAME.

Ad astra! Sean