Saturday 23 December 2023

Eleven Instalments

In The Van Rijn Method:

the first three stories are pre-League;

the contemporaneous "Margin of Profit" and "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson" introduce the League, van Rijn and Adzel;

"The Three-Cornered Wheel" and "A Sun Invisible" outline Falkayn's career before van Rijn appoints him to lead the first trade pioneer crew;

"The Season of Forgiveness" is a classic Christmas story;

the last three instalments are about van Rijn and Hloch's introduction to "Esau" states that the philosophy and practice of the League were becoming archaic or even obsolete.

Thus, the League has arisen and begun its decline. A lot of the Technic History is in this first of the seven volumes of The Technic Civilization Saga. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

To be pedantic I regard "The Season of Forgiveness" as a classic science fiction Christmas story. Unlike some SF writers Anderson did not ignore or dismiss religion and religious believers.

Merry Christmas! Sean