Wednesday 27 December 2023

Recapitulating Future Histories

We have said it before but to summarize again, in Poul Anderson's Technic History:

16 Polesotechnic League instalments, 10 featuring Nicholas van Rijn, 2 others referring to van Rijn;

15 Flandry Period instalments, 13 featuring Dominic Flandry, 1 other referring to Flandry;

12 other instalments, 3 pre-League, 5 between the League and Flandry, 4 post-Flandry/post-Empire;

1 new introduction in the van Rijn collection, Trader To The Star;

3 new introductions in the David Falkayn collection, The Trouble Twisters;

12 new introductions and 1 afterword in the omnibus collection, The Earth Book of Stormgate.

To appreciate this massive future history series appropriately, contrast it with the comparative simplicity of:

Robert Heinlein's five-volume Future History, the original future history series on which subsequent series have been modelled;

Poul Anderson's five-volume Psychotechnic History, which was modelled directly on the Future History whereas the Technic History was unplanned and grew spontaneously like real history.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Heinlein's Future History was a pioneering trail blazer. It needed other writers, inspired by
RAH, to build on and extrapolate the possibilities of Heinlein's work.

Happy New Year! Sean