Friday 22 December 2023

Four Men And A Wodenite

Four young men begin their careers in the Polesotechnic League in the pages of The Van Rijn Method:

James Ching
David Falkayn
Juan Hernandez
Emil Dalmady

If we change "men" to "beings," we can add Adzel to this list.

Falkayn and Adzel become series characters. Hloch presents some information about the later lives of Ching and Dalmady. We know:

about Falkayn's children, one grandson and one later descendant on Avalon;
about one of Dalmady's daughters on Avalon;
that Ching has descendants on Llynathawr, where he settled. 

Hernandez, the central character of "The Season of Forgiveness," is the only one that departs into obscurity.

A well-rounded future history series. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I still regret how we never see the Trillians again after "A Little Knowledge."

Merry Christmas! Sean