Saturday 23 December 2023


"The Season of Forgiveness."

Further to the preceding post, are Earthlings or even just Christians wiser at Christmas time? Realistic answer: obviously not. Aspirational answer: we can hope and aspire toward wisdom at any time.

Hernandez must remember the naming system used in the desert:

"'I am Juan Sancho's-child, called Hernandez, pledged follower of the merchant Thomas William's-child, called Overbeck, and am come in peace.'" (p. 328)

That is a lot longer than just "Juan Hernandez" or even just "Juan Hernandez, apprenticed to Thomas Overbeck"!

The Ivanhoan replies:

"'I am Tokennon Undassa's-child, chief of the Elassi Clan..." (ibid.)

Tokennon has no surname to be explained away but does have a rank to proclaim. A chief among the People of the Black Tents challenges a follower among the Terrans, a race that seems to be motivated only by material gain and that has not yet demonstrated any recognition of sacredness.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Another answer would be people, Christians or not, are sometimes wiser at Christmas time.

Merry Christmas! Sean