Friday 8 December 2023

Farewell To Merseia

Ensign Flandry.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ends as Flandry and Persis flee from Merseia. CHAPTER FOURTEEN shows the aftermath on Merseia but the remaining chapters are set in space or on Starkad. CHAPTER FOURTEEN begins:

"Dawn broke over Ardaig, and from the tower on Eidh Hill kettledrums spoke their ancient prayer." (p. 141)

We read about kettledrums on Eidh Hill back in Falkayn's day in "Day of Burning" so this place is starting to seem familiar like a few others in the Technic History. This is a last opportunity for a Merseian point of view in this novel. Do we get it? The second paragraph begins:

"Yet Brechdan Ironrede chose to receive the Terrans [in Castle Afon] instead of in his new eyrie." (ibid.)

Do we know of Brechdan's choice because the narrative takes us inside his head when he makes it or because of its effects on others? The latter. The paragraph continues:

"He's shaken, Abrams thought. He's rallying quick, but he needs the help of his ancestors." (ibid.)

So Max Abrams is our pov character for the first part of this chapter. Thereafter, we return to Flandry and Persis. We do see Brechdan respecting Abrams and the latter staring at Hauksberg as he cooperates with Brechdan in declaring that Flandry must be captured or destroyed.

When Flandry refuses the Merseian destroyer's demand to stop, the Merseian captain says:

"'Then prepare your minds for the God...'" (p. 145)

But what happens to the minds then? Judgement? Salvation? Union? Absorption? Immortality? Cessation? Don't say God alone knows! One Vedic verse says that perhaps he knows not...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We also see the Coral Palace and Admiralty Center, both on Terra, more than once in these stories. These too are places readers start feeling familiar with.

I think the simplest way of understanding that Merseian phrase, "Then prepare your minds for the God," is that Flandry and Persis were being told to prepare to meet the God.

Ad astra! Sean