Saturday 30 December 2023

Coya's Life So Far


Although we want to learn more about Coya Conyon's life in the Solar Commonwealth, we are told less about her in this respect than we are about James Ching. 


is 25;

grew up on Earth in her parents' home where they were regularly visited by van Rijn;

is now an astrophysicist, working at Luna Astrocenter;

has been far enough, often enough, in space to enable her to identify the brightest stars and to locate their present position as about a hundred parsecs from Sol;

privately promoted David Falkayn to "...god (j.g.)..." (p. 651) when she learned of his role in the Shenn affair;

has since had some outings with him.

There is such a vast difference in meaning between "god" and "God" that is unfortunate that they sound the same.

Are there gods? Empirically, no.

Is there God? My answer: yes, there is an object of numinous and mystical experience but no, It is not a transcendent person. But society incorporates different points of view.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Maybe "demigod" would have been a better word for Coya to use than "god."

And I do believe God to be a Person.

Happy New Year! Sean said...


Or, rather, three persons. It is very difficult to express Christian doctrine accurately.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Three Persons in the one Godhead. The Son is consubstantial with the Father, and Our Lord the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.

Happy New Year! Sean