Wednesday 6 December 2023

On Merseia

"Day of Burning."

This is the only Technic History instalment that features the trader team but does not even mention Nicholas van Rijn. The team functions as representatives of the Polesotechnic League but not specifically as employees of Solar Spice & Liquors. Haguan Eluatz, grinning and smug when insulted, is like a criminal Merseian van Rijn.

Poul Anderson tells us that:

"Kettledrums rolled their ritual from Eidh Hill." (p. 242)

We have not heard of Eidh Hill before but Anderson writes as if we had. As with other fictional planets like Hermes and Dennitza, Merseia is made to seem not only real but even familiar.

The international Gethfennu is respectablized when Falkayn deals with it. Could its international organization become part of the eventual Roidhunate?


S.M. Stirling said...

I think it was a case of "challenge and response". The Gethfennu's rise infuriated the Vlachs, who put aside their differences (doubtless aided by some backstairs stabbing and intrigue) to unite behind a monarchy. It also gave them a lasting grudge against Terrans.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree. And since we see mention in one of the Flandry stories of a three cornered struggle for power between the Gethfennu, the Vachs, and rival Merseian nations (probably during the Time of Troubles), it's likely the Gethfennu were destroyed.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: or driven underground once again. I don't believe in any society without crime.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, of course any society composed of Fallen beings is going to have crime. The Gethfennu was smashed as a world girdling organization, but smaller gangs would survive.

Ad astra! Sean