Friday 1 December 2023

Daven Laure's Reasons


"' keep us on this barren search - why? For your own glory?'
"He should have explained then. But the strain and weariness snapped..." (p. 773)

He should have explained then. By discovering and exploring planets in the Cloud Universe cluster, Daven Laure establishes ownership for himself and the Kirkasanters which will mean immense wealth for them when miners of heavy metals swarm into the Cloud Universe and the miners will plant beacons that will enable the Kirkasanters to relocate their lost home planet in weeks.

Laure conceals his reasons until he has confirmed the abundance of heavy metals because he does not want to risk raising false hopes but surely the existence of heavy metals on many planets in the Cloud Universe is already assured? Poul Anderson wants to surprise his readers and wants Laure to surprise Graydal near the end of the story but surely this should have been said before then?

Similarly, we are told that Graydal should have said that she:

"...wished simply to hear his reasons. But being the descendant of hunters and soldiers, she clicked heels together and flung back at him: 'Very well, Ranger. I shall convey your words to my captain.'" (p. 774)

A human story against a cosmic background.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Close analysis of "Starfog" seems to have revealed some literary weaknesses. But Anderson was more than competent enough as a writer that these weaknesses were not apparent to me in my previous readings of that story.

Ad astra! Sean