Thursday 8 August 2019

Another History

There have been only two previous posts on this blog for today because I have become preoccupied with summarizing another fictional history on another blog. Thus, there have been three posts on Personal And Literary Reflections so far today and there is not a lot of today left. That other fictional history stretches from the Dissolution of the Monasteries to some time after World War II. Poul Anderson touches on the reign of Henry VIII in The Corridors Of Time and on World War II in a few other works that we have mentioned recently, e.g., here. The republic of letters is one and the kingdom of Morpheus beckons.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And your mention of how Henry VIII suppressed the monasteries reminded me of how, with a few honorable exceptions like the Charterhouse friars and Dom George Laysinbye, most of the religious of that time cravenly submitted to the king's so called "supremacy" and took the oath taking them out of the Church.
