Friday 30 August 2019

Time And Place: Chinatown And Pub Crawling

Murder Bound, iii, pp. 30-31.


Time And Place: A Tagline
Time And Place: Steam Beer
Time And Place: Bar Hopping
Time And Place: Eating In San Francisco

A two-hour dinner in a Chinatown restaurant where Chinese eat and the menu is in Chinese script;

a beer joint/pool hall where most customers play Go (as some do in the Gregson);

costumed Scotch pipers striding through a tavern;

a drunk Portuguese fisherman dancing with Diana and Judith in a smoky jazz club;

a string quartet playing Brahms in a candle-lit taproom;

others blurred in memory;

Lauring and Judith imagining a Danish-ruled world (like the Swedish-ruled world in Tau Zero).

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Hmmm, a Danish ruled world? An interesting thought! What might have happened if the sons of Canute the Great, the Danish king who conquered England, had sons and grandsons of their own and firmly solidified the rule of a Danish dynasty in England? I can see England (and then Scotland and Ireland) being oriented in a North Western European direction with Denmark as the center. With Norway becoming part of this confederation? There might well have been no Norman conquest, one consequence of which was England's centuries long fixation on France.
