Monday 19 August 2019

On The San Francisco Bay Bridge

Perish By The Sword, 7.

Mike Stefanik:

"...nosed his MG onto the freeway, over the Bay Bridge and south. Air streamed about him. He could look up at the Detroit cars as if from a boat, shudder at a rear end like two Al Jolsons, scoot around and leave an equally horrible grille dwindling in his wake. Traffic grew thicker and noisier as he went, but that spiced the exhilaration." (p. 67)

(i) Stefanik looks up from one level of the Bridge to the other. See image.
(ii) I do not know what two Al Jolsons look like.
(iii) Thick, noisy traffic freaks me out big time.
(iv) I am learning the difference between the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge.
(v) I have caught up with my notes and can now progress rereading the remaining six chapters and fifty pages of the novel.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm guessing some 1950's car models struck Poul Anderson as exuberantly garish, hence the bit about the rear end of one model reminding him of two Al Jolsons. I do recall seeing pictures of 1950's cars that struck me as odd looking!
