Wednesday 21 August 2019

An Oblique Late (K)Night Association


I am just back from the Gregson Centre and should not be blogging at this time of night.

"The Cuirassiers had a little polished ceremonial breastplate on their tunics, a reminder of the time when they had worn back-and-breast armor. To Raj it had always seemed a curious habit in a combat zone - rather like hanging a shoot me here sign on your chest - but Dalhouse swore by the tradition." (p. 434)

The original Batman wore all-dark garb. Later, he gained a bright yellow circle on his chest. Frank Miller explains: when Wayne is shot in the chest, the bullet-proof plate holds... That is why he wore a target on his chest. After that, he returns to all-dark garb.

How much combat activity is practical and how much for show or morale? (I have no idea.) I prefer the covert activities of Bond or Flandry to the battlefield heroics of some other characters but also await the military climax of The Hammer with interest. Some time tomorrow...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too remember the small, ceremonial breastplate worn by the Cuirassiers! The thought I had was that if they were painted the blue color of Civil Gov't uniform coats, they would less like "Shoot me here" targets.

I also thought of the colorful uniforms of the Papal Swiss Guards and the bright red coats that British military used to wear in the field. I think they did have the practical function of making it easier to tell friend from foe on smoky, dusty battlefields. However, as weapons became more powerful and further reaching, bright uniforms exposed the troops to needless danger and casualties. So, by WW I they were replaced by darker or earth colored field uniforms. With colorful uniforms relegated to formal, ceremonial occasions.

I do understand what you mean about preferring the more subtle, covert methods used by Intelligence agents like Bond or Flandry. I would point out that when these agents succeed in their assignments, it lessens the possibility of their states needing to use massive force. And increases the risks and costs for the USSR or Merseia to resort to open attacks on the NATO Alliance or the Empire.

That said, we do see mention of how James Bond held Commander's rank in the RN and of Dominic Flandry not only being in the Terran NAVAL Intelligence Corps, but also doing a brief stint as captain of a Naval warship.
