Monday 12 August 2019

All That Fall

In sf, if not in reality, interstellar civilizations fall. See Fragmentary Records.

"...Thom had scoffed at his friend's simple belief in the Holy Federation, and the scriptural tales of the days before the Fall from the Stars, when all men were one with the Spirit and there was neither poverty nor old age nor death."
-SM Stirling and David Drake, The Hammer IN Stirling and Drake, Warlord (Riverdale, NY, 2003), pp. 311-567 AT CHAPTER ONE, p. 316.

Simple indeed. Raj is confusing the Fall of a Federation with the mythical Biblical Fall of Man. For an anti-Darwinian, Fundamentalist account of unFallen humanity on another planet, read CS Lewis' Perelandra.

When Raj comments on what men come to without the Spirit, Thom replies:

"'Well, that's one way of putting it,'" (p. 319)

- so maybe Thom's understanding is not as scriptural as Raj's.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I hope you noticed the few but telling examples of how there were Jews and Christians on Bellevue. Which means some knowledge of what I hold to be the REAL Scriptures remained there. We see a Jewish banker watching with "veiled distaste" as Chancellor Tzetvas avidly pored over and took possession of valuable financial instruments. And Des Poplanich criticized Governor Barholm's persecution of the "Christos."

Sean said...

I hope that the Jews and Christians preserve the tradition that mankind did not fall when the Federation did.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

They probably did, which probably contributed to their unpopularity with the believers in the Spirit of Man of the Stars. Albeit, they were probably unable to convincingly argue for that idea from historical knowledge. Jews and Christians on Bellevue would have about the same amount of real knowledge of Federation and pre-Federation history as their Star Spirit neighbors, almost none (aside from what was preserved in the OT and NT).
