Thursday 4 October 2018

Fiction Set In The 21st Century

Many sf novels by Robert Heinlein and Poul Anderson are comparable with each other because they are set in the future. Also comparable with Heinlein's and Anderson's works are novels set in the 21st century and involving futuristic information and communication technology, cell phones, emails, lap tops, I-pads, I-phones etc: "futuristic" from a twentieth century perspective. The fiction-science fiction interface is an interesting place. Regular space travel, expected by now, remains sf.

John Grisham also presents an interesting variation on "food" fiction. Our heroine and her brother, eating in a Thai place, start with crispy spring rolls while she has a glass of Chablis. We look forward to the rest of the meal, then she takes an urgent call on one of her mobiles and loses her appetite...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I'm so bitterly frustrated by this lack of relatively cheap and regular space travel! We should have had it BEFORE now.
