Saturday 20 October 2018

The Quantum Universe

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 25.

Entering "Unity" (p. 335) with the cybercosm, Venator is invited to see the quantum universe as far as he can. I have to summarize from p. 336.

Yang: Because the observations of two observers are equally real and because the future of each is the past of the other, tomorrow is as fixed as yesterday.

Yin: Because to observe is to determine for the past as well as for the future, all histories can happen.

Yang and Yin: Reality does not branch but is One.

In Hegelian philosophy, such a triad comprises thesis, antithesis and synthesis. In this triad, Yang and Yin are indeed antithetical but I cannot see that Yang and Yin either follows from or synthesizes them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Like you, I don't believe Venator's "Yang" and "Yin" are real and true things.
