Sunday 21 October 2018

More Latin And Another Murder

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire.

Anson Guthrie translates:

"'Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur.'"


"'Without common sense you ain't gonna have nothing.'" (31, p. 414)

(We have found a lot of Latin.)

Chapter 30, "The Mother of the Moon," ends with an unresolved murder case so we expect Chapter 32, "The Mother of the Moon," to continue this narrative but instead it jumps three years into the future and another murder.

"It was as if [Wahl] had dived into his pool and it had turned to ice around him." (p. 392)

This clue as to what will happen in 32 is noticed only when rereading the text.

Against Lunar Authority law but in accordance with Selenarchic justice, the Lunarian Darenn kills the Earthborn Moondweller, Rafael Adair, who had abandoned his partner the Lunarian female Yrazul on the Lunar surface. Other Lunarians then rescue Darenn from custody. We expect this investigation to continue. No doubt it does between chapters.

The governor general, Wahl, is found dead in his swimming pool.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I had completely forgotten about the Darenn/Adair case. It was Govern General Wahl's murder which stuck in my mind.
