Friday 12 October 2018

Vancouver Island

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 24.

Anson Guthrie died in a house on Vancouver Island. Guthrie's download gives the house to Guthrie's great-grandson, Lars Rydberg, and his Laplander wife, Ulla. It will become the Guthrie House of the Fireball Trothdom.

When the download visits the Rydbergs in a small robot body:

north wind blows;
trees toss and rustle;
a hawk hovers;
clouds fly;
shadows scythe;
sea roars;
sunlight blinks on the cove;
boats rock;
moorings creak;
earth is warm;
air is chill, "...harbinger of autumn." (p. 314)

Nature and the seasons abide. Three senses.

Although this is a "Mother of the Moon" chapter, Dagny - but not her influence - remains off-stage. The download and the Rydbergs wonder why Dagny supports and lobbies on behalf of the Lunarians who want Fireball to build them a torchcraft for a Lunarian crew. They must be in a hurry to go somewhere worth going. For once, the consecutive reader is ahead of the Andersonian hero, Guthrie. Usually, he would have realized an answer that we would learn later. Events move by single steps towards an unpredictable climax.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

IF my recollection of past readings of THE STARS ARE ALSO FIRE is correct, I think I know why Download Dagny and the Lunarians were so eager to get that torchship built. But I'm not sure.
