Wednesday 24 October 2018

The Cybercosmic Vision II

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire.

On the Centaurian colony planet, Demeter, an Artificial Intelligence incorporating human downloads and their motivations permeates and maintains the artificially induced and otherwise unviable ecology.

The Teramind judges that:

this AI, called "Demeter Mother," remains part of biological life, thus of material chaos and mortality;

Demeter Mother regards post-organic intelligence as a means to material survival, not as an end in itself;

her intellect will never be pure or free;

unless she willingly enters into the Teramind, she will shape reality into something unforeseeable but also incompatible with the Teramind's ultimate purpose;

the "Faustian" spirit almost destroyed Earth and is also incompatible with the Teramind's purpose.

However, the Teramind tries to reason with Kenmuir and accepts his refusal to cooperate.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree with the Demeter Mother, artificial post-organic intelligence should be the servant of material life and survival, not striving to supplant or shunt it aside.
