Saturday 13 October 2018

Virtual Ultimate Reality?

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 27.

At last, Kenmuir and Aleka make it to Prajnaloka which has an ashram and a fine view of the Ozark range.

If, through the agency of a wisely programmed, interactive virtual reality, you were able to hear Indra speak from the thunder, to question Jesus Christ and to feel the compassion of Kwan-Yin, would you do it? Would the virtual reality enhance understanding or become an idol?

While studying the scriptures, it would be an extraordinary experience to interact dramatically with scenes from stories about Indra, Christ, the Bodhisattva etc, but exegesis and philosophy would also remain necessary. A multilayered human-AI interaction might be able to impart the different kinds of information simultaneously.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We should keep in mind as well reasonable skepticism about how ACCURATE such a computerized virtual reality would be. I recall Anderson more than once cautioning us against being too credulous about these "reconstructions."
