Sunday 21 October 2018

On Forcefields Through Vacuum

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 33.

See Winnipeg Station.

OK. The "conveyance" is described in more detail:

"...the car flew on forcefields through vacuum. The tubeway was barely visible outside; a little dust had inevitably blurred its clarity. Drive rings flicked by every few hundred meters, or now and then a pump. Forward and aft he saw a power cable as a thin gleam crossing the piers that, at their own intervals, supported the tubeway six meters above ground. On the left at a distance, the eastward shaft ran equally straight. As he watched, a carrier in it bulleted past." (p. 450)

The interior of the car is also described but it was the references to an invisible tubeway and a vacuum that I was struggling with.

We have reached p. 450 of 562 in just one of four volumes. Remembering or rereading recent posts drives home just how much content there is in this one volume:

the cybercosm;
Anson Guthrie in the flesh, then downloaded;
the colonization and interior terraforming of Luna;
Dagny Beynac's long career on Luna;
her many Lunarian descendants;
inter-species politics;
the exploration of Proserpina;
Terrestrial future history (in the background);
the diverse cultures on Earth;
plans for the long term future;
a brief description of the Centaurian colony (I have not touched on that yet).

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Not just interspecies politics, between unmodified humans and Lunarians, BUT also with people from both kinds of humans bumping up against the cybercosm and realizing it opposes their hopes.
