Saturday 13 October 2018

The Future Of The Moon

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 28.

The wilderness is "...a temperate-zone forest." (p. 370) Under other parts of the Lunar surface, a tropical environment is under development and either a prairie or a sea is projected. All of these realms will be enlarged, then linked, forming a viable ecology. Multiplying artificial bacteria will break down the rock, making machinery redundant. Solar energy will continue to enter through conduits. If the night-and-day or seasonal cycles are disrupted, then some species will die but others will adapt. The Lunar future is green. What will the extrasolar colonists find if they return?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like this, terraforming the Moon underground! And there's also Anderson's "Strange Bedfellows," where we see his speculations about how the SURFACE of the Moon might be terraformed.

These are the kinds of projects I could ardently support! Which requires, of course, a REAL space program.
