Saturday 13 October 2018


The Lunarians are another human species adapted to a different physical environment. If it suits their individual psychologies and social sensibilities to be divided into feudal lords and their faithful retainers, then it is pointless to preach equality or democracy to them. Democracy can happen only when a majority acts, democratically, to bring it about. What all Lunarians do want is freedom from governance by either Terrans or sophotects and that they are certainly entitled to.

Lunarians are at home in Lunar gravity but not on the Lunar surface. Their entire lives are spent inside artificial environments which, however, are made both spacious and dynamic. The sf paradox of human beings traversing infinite space enclosed in metal shells is not applicable.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My only real quibble here (a term of art from Scholastic philosophy, btw!) would be to insist that I believe human explorers, traders, colonists, scientists, etc., would put up with the discomforts and constraints of long space journeys because of what they hope to find at the end of those journeys. The space ships and the journeys are the means, not the ends.
