Thursday 11 October 2018

The Cybercosm And The Environment

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 21.

To create or restore, then maintain, a sound ecology requires:

the will;
an economic surplus;
a superhuman analysis and comprehension. (p. 277)

Therefore, the cybercosm rules the biosphere better than mankind. Governments heed its counsel but then become dependent on that counsel without understanding it. I begin to see how collective human decision-making atrophies. The other side of that coin is that human politics had previously been:

mistake-repeating. (ibid.)

I do believe that we can transcend the mess inflicted by history and ourselves but we have not done so yet. In Anderson's The Stars Are Also Fire, as at the end of Asimov's I, Robot, human beings do not solve their problems but construct Artificial Intelligences that solve the problems for them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would far rather have blundering human beings in charge than to allow AIs like the sophotects more and more take over the actual governing of the world and human affairs. For good or ill, Earth (and planets colonized by humans) belong to US, not the sophotects, no matter how allegedly wise or well meaning. Sophotects should only be consulted and treated like mere advisers, not allowed to become the decision makers.
