Saturday 20 October 2018

Human Chaos

In Poul Anderson's The Stars Are Also Fire, although the cybercosm has saved the environment (see Reaching For The Stars? and The Cybercosm And The Environment) and (claims that it) can compute or account for any matter-energy interaction (see Issues), it also acknowledges that:

"Humankind is mathematically chaotic." (25, p. 334)

However, that alone is enough to ensure that an intelligence that seeks "...omniscience..." (25, p. 336) will study and communicate openly with human beings, not attempt to deceive or sideline them as the cybercosm does in this series.

If the environment is saveable but humanity is unpredictable, then the Brains of Isaac Asimov's I, Robot are possible whereas the psychohistory of his Foundation series is not. The same issues recur in very different sf works.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The thought I was that, logically, it is simply not possible for any merely created like the cybercosm of THE STARS ARE ALSO FIRE to be "omniscient." Omniscience is something which is possible only with God--for a being to be capable of infinite knowledge is possible only if that Being is God.

And the cymbercosm should obey and serve mankind, not try to deceive or shunt aside the human race.

Sean said...

But my point remains. If the cybercosm aims at (impossible) omniscience, then it should engage with chaotic humanity, not try to sideline it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course I agree. I got myself "sidelined"! (Smiles)
