Friday 26 October 2018


Poul Anderson, Harvest Of Stars, 3, p. 45.

Poul Anderson describes how a personality might be downloaded:

the subject lies semi-conscious under "electrophasing";

special artificial molecules invade and pervade his bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid;

they examine him cell by cell;

resonances with external fields recover the data;

hypercomputers interpret and order the findings;

the subject is treated to rid him of the artificial molecules and to return him to normal;

designing, testing, redesigning and retesting produce a program or download of the subject's memories, inclinations, beliefs, prejudices, hopes, outlook, thinking style and awareness;

the download is mapped into the software of a neural network which in turn maps the subject's unique brain.

Although some computer language is used, it is clear that the neural network is an artificial brain, not a digital computer, and that the download is a duplicated personality, not a computer program.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As always, Poul Anderson managed to make a scientific IMPLAUSIBILITY, in this case the downloading of a human personality into an artificial neural network, at least SEEM possible. Albeit, I remain skeptical of this particular speculation!
