Thursday 4 October 2018

What Fireball Offers

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 8, p. 110.

Exciting work;
high pay;
sympathetic management;
careers limited only by ability or luck;
belongingness and shared spirit, rare anywhere else.

That reads like the author's wish list for an ideal company. In an economic recession, there will be pressure to hold down salaries and reduce staff.

Real Life And Personal Details Update: we have again eaten in the Spaghetti House (scroll down) where I again had pizza followed by cheesecake with ice cream.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Nicholas van Rijn offered very similar rewards and inducements for the people working for his company, Solar Spice & Liquors! I would have only admiration for both Fireball and Solar Spice.

And I think Old Nick would enjoy dining with you at the Spaghetti House! And to argue politics, economics, and philosophy with you.
