Saturday 9 June 2018

The Sachem's History Of The Future

James Blish's Service has a building full of specialists trying to write a complete history of the future by filling in the gaps between the messages that they have received.

Caleb Wallis, Sachem of the Eyrie, has explored more of the future across more of the Earth's surface than anyone else and has written a history:

the Eyrie stronghold and community continues to exist for two hundred years after its founding in the twenty first century by Wallis;

in the twenty third century, Wallis' older self tells him that Phase One has been satisfactory;

renascent Maurai-dominated civilization spreading across North America would find the Eyrie which must therefore be evacuated;

a new, more powerful, technologically sophisticated base is constructed uptime during the period of general revolt against the Maurai;

an Eyrie army will be able to outnumber its opponents by repeatedly doubling back through time;

Wallis believes that Phase Three will be a pastoralized planet remolded by Eyrie overlords to bring forth a new kind of man;

the concluding part of Wallis' book is vague - he met a very aged self at the end of Phase One, made a single visit to Phase Two and has had glimpses of Phase Three but expects to spend most of his lifespan in Phase One;

he hopes that agents from a further future will reward the Eyrie men who brought them into being with rejuvenation and immortality.

See also:

Knowing The Future
The History Of The Eyrie
Reconnoitering The Future
There Will Be Time II

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What makes me most uneasy about Caleb Wallis' agenda was the suggestion about genetically remolding the human race to bring forth the desired types of humans. That reminds me too much of both Anderson's Zacharians and Stirling's Draka!
