Tuesday 26 June 2018

The Dancer From Atlantis, Scene-Setting

Duncan Reid is from 1970, five years later than Malcolm Lockridge, a different era. He twice refers to the Moon landings.

The opening page of Chapter Two refers to:

the Dnieper
Pecheneg tribesmen
Constaninople (scroll down)
Grand Prince Yaroslav

Oleg Vladimirovitch is a trader who invokes "Our Lord," in the style of Nicholas van Rijn. We expect Duncan and Oleg to meet in an earlier era but have not reread that far yet.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember this Oleg Vladimirovich! And esp. of how he referred to Grand Prince Yaroslav as "What a man, cripple though he was." Yaroslav of Kiev was one of those unusually strong willed rulers overcoming a serious disability to still be an active and vigorous leader.

And we see Yaroslav the Wise in THE LAST VIKING, btw.


paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Right on!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And one of Jaroslav the Wise's daughters, Elizabeth, is well known to us, in Anderson's THE LAST VIKING. Another daughter, Anne, was queen consort of France for Henry I, which means Yaroslav still has descendants thru their son Philip I.
