Thursday 14 June 2018

What Havig Learned

(San Francisco Bay.)

See Within And Without.

Havig already knows that the mysterious Star Masters who come in fabulous engines to trade in ideas and knowledge have a subtle and pervasive influence that will lead to a new civilization or post-civilization beyond his comprehension but he does not yet know:

whether the Star Masters are the Eyrie, Stage Three;
whether their influence turns mankind inward on itself.

When he sees that the Star Masters are both human beings and extraterrestrials, he realizes:

"'Where else can newness, adventure, rebirth of spirit, where else can they come from except difference? The age beyond the Maurai is not turned inward on itself. No, it's begun to turn further outward than ever men did before!'"
-Poul Anderson, There Will Be Time (New York, 1973), XIII, p. 147.

A mechanic looks inside a car engine to fix a problem so that the car's owner can drive somewhere. We look within to fix problems so that we can better respond to the world without.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the civilization of the Star Masters is far more to my taste and preference! A civilization turned OUTWARDS to the galaxy and universe, not passively navel gazing as Carelo Keajimu seems to have thought would happen. A civilization which plainly has a FTL means of reaching the stars. This, or Technic Civilization, is what I would prefer!
